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Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World

The top 10 oldest cities in the world are Damascus, Syria; Athens, Greece; Sidon, Lebanon; Rayy, Iran; Jerusalem, Israel; Faiyum, Egypt; Byblos, Lebanon; Jericho, Palestine; Cholula; and Axum. These cities have a rich historical and cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years, making them some of the most ancient and continuously inhabited places on Earth.

From the bustling streets of Athens to the ancient ruins of Jericho, each city has its own unique story to tell. Join us as we explore the fascinating history and significance of these incredible cities that have stood the test of time.

Damascus, Syria

According to historical records, Damascus, Syria is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. With a history dating back thousands of years, Damascus holds significant historical and cultural significance. Its ancient roots can be traced to the second millennium BC, making it a city with a rich heritage. Damascus has been a witness to the rise and fall of empires, the birth of religions, and the development of civilizations throughout its long history. From ancient times to the present day, Damascus has managed to preserve its unique charm and historical landmarks, making it a must-visit destination for history and culture enthusiasts.

Athens, Greece

According to historical records and archaeological evidence, Athens, Greece is one of the top 10 oldest cities in the world. It holds significant importance as the birthplace of democracy and ancient Greek civilization. Not only that, Athens has also been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The city of Athens has a rich history that dates back thousands of years, with evidence of human habitation as far back as the Neolithic period. It is known for its iconic landmarks such as the Acropolis, the Parthenon, and the ancient Agora.

Throughout its long history, Athens has witnessed numerous political, cultural, and architectural developments. From the Classical period to the Roman times, the Byzantine era, and beyond, Athens has played a crucial role in shaping Western civilization.

Today, Athens continues to be a vibrant and modern city while preserving its ancient roots. Visitors to Athens can explore its archaeological sites, museums, vibrant neighborhoods, and experience the unique blend of historical significance and contemporary charm.

Sidon, Lebanon

Title: Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World
Heading: Sidon, Lebanon
Subheading: One of the oldest inhabited cities in the region

Sidon, a city located in Lebanon, holds a significant place on the list of the world’s oldest cities. It is recognized as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the region. As you explore Sidon, you will encounter an intriguing mix of ancient ruins and modern culture. The city showcases its rich history through archaeological sites that date back millennia. Sidon boasts a vibrant atmosphere, where tradition and innovation coexist. From ancient Phoenician ruins to bustling markets and lively streets, Sidon offers visitors a fascinating glimpse into its past and present. Whether you’re strolling through the Old City, visiting the Sea Castle, or admiring the Great Mosque, Sidon’s charm and historical significance make it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and curious travelers alike.

Rayy, Iran

Rayy, Iran is an ancient city with a history dating back centuries, making it one of the oldest cities in the world. It holds significant cultural value as an important center of Persian culture. The city has witnessed numerous historical events and has been a hub of artistic and intellectual activities. Its architecture reflects a blend of different eras, from Sassanian and Islamic to Seljuk and Mongolian. Rayy’s rich history can be explored through its archaeological sites, including the ancient citadel, mausoleums, and ruins of the old city. Visitors can also immerse themselves in the city’s vibrant bazaars and experience the local culture.

Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem, Israel is one of the oldest cities in the world. It holds immense historical and religious significance, serving as home to important religious sites for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The city has a rich and diverse history, with evidence of human habitation dating back thousands of years. Its ancient walls, old markets, and intricate architectural structures are testaments to its enduring legacy. Jerusalem’s unique cultural heritage attracts millions of visitors each year, who come to explore its historical sites, seek spiritual enlightenment, and experience the vibrant atmosphere of the city. From the Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem’s landmarks are cherished by people around the globe. This ancient city continues to be a symbol of religious tolerance, coexistence, and spiritual significance.

Faiyum, Egypt

Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World

Ancient city with archaeological discoveries located near the Nile River.

Byblos, Lebanon

Byblos, located in Lebanon, holds the title of the oldest city in the world that is still inhabited today. With a rich history and well-preserved ruins, Byblos showcases its ancient origins to visitors and historians alike. This ancient city dates back to around 5000 BCE and has witnessed the rise and fall of various civilizations throughout its existence. From the Phoenicians to the Romans, Byblos has served as a significant trading hub and cultural center in the region.

Jericho, Palestine

Jericho, Palestine is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. With its rich archaeological sites and historical significance, Jericho has captured the curiosity and imagination of many. Located in the West Bank, Jericho holds a significant place in history, dating back thousands of years. The city is mentioned in various ancient texts and has seen the rise and fall of numerous civilizations throughout its existence. It is home to ancient structures like the Tell es-Sultan and the Hisham’s Palace, which give visitors a glimpse into the city’s past. Jericho’s long-standing presence as an inhabited city makes it an important destination for history enthusiasts and those interested in exploring our world’s ancient heritage.


Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World

Cholula, located in present-day Mexico, is recognized as the oldest city in the Americas. It holds a significant place in ancient Mesoamerican civilizations. With evidence of occupation dating back over 2,500 years, Cholula boasts a rich history and cultural heritage. The city houses the Great Pyramid of Cholula, which is the largest pyramid in the world. This archaeological site serves as a testament to the advanced civilizations that once thrived in this region.


Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World

Axum is an ancient city located in Ethiopia. It is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Axum has a rich history and is known for its archaeological sites, including the ruins of ancient palaces, tombs, and obelisks.

The city was once the capital of the Aksumite Empire and was a major trading hub. Axum is also famous for being the alleged resting place of the Ark of the Covenant.

Today, Axum attracts tourists from around the world who come to explore its historical landmarks and learn about its ancient civilization. The city’s impressive ruins and historical significance make it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts.


Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World

Olmhiest city in Europe, Flores is a treasure trove of medieval architecture and cobblestone streets. This quaint city is a perfect destination for history enthusiasts and architecture lovers alike. Wander through its narrow streets and marvel at the timeless beauty preserved in its structures. Flores offers a unique opportunity to step back in time and get a glimpse of ancient Europe. The city’s ancient roots are displayed through its rich historical landmarks and impressive structures. From fortresses and castles to churches and cathedrals, every corner of Flores has a story to tell. Don’t miss the chance to explore one of Europe’s oldest cities and get lost in its charming atmosphere.


Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World

One of the oldest cities in Europe, Lisbon holds both historical significance and a vibrant culture. With its origins dating back thousands of years, this beautiful city has witnessed countless historical events and seen the rise and fall of different civilizations. From the Roman era to the Islamic conquest, and the age of exploration, Lisbon has played a crucial role in shaping European history.


Cadíz is one of the top 10 oldest cities in the world, with a rich history dating back centuries. Known for its ancient architecture and vibrant culture, Cadíz continues to thrive as a modern city while preserving its historic charm.

Ancient port city in Spain with Phoenician and Roman influences.

  • Damascus, Syria
  • Athens, Greece
  • Sidon, Lebanon
  • Rayy, Iran
  • Jerusalem, Israel
  • Faiyum, Egypt
  • Byblos, Lebanon
  • Jericho, Palestine

List of oldest continuously inhabited cities – Wikipedia

  • Cholula
  • Axum
  • Flores
  • Lisbon
  • Cadíz
  • Varanasi
  • Luoyang
  • Damascus

Jericho, West Bank · Byblos, Lebanon · Aleppo, Syria · Athens, Greece · Faiyum, Egypt · Sidon, Lebanon · Susa, Iran · Gaziantep, Turkey.

What is the oldest city in the world? – List of oldest continuously inhabited cities – Wikipedia

What is the oldest city in America? – Our History | St. Augustine, FL

Is Jerusalem one of the oldest cities in the world? – Jerusalem, Israel – ieiMedia

Oldest city in North America, Oldest city in Europe, Oldest city in Asia, Oldest capital city in the world, First city in the world, Oldest village in the world, Oldest neighborhood in the world, Oldest country in the world


Varanasi is among the top 10 oldest cities in the world, boasting a rich history that dates back centuries. Located in India, Varanasi is considered one of the most sacred cities in Hinduism, attracting pilgrims from all over the world to its ancient temples and holy ghats along the Ganges River.

Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World

Oldest City In Asia

Varanasi, also known as Banaras, is celebrated as one of the oldest cities in Asia. It holds a significant place in the hearts of millions of Hindus around the world. Its ancient origins date back thousands of years, making it a city steeped in history and culture.


Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World

Luoyang is an ancient capital of various dynasties in China. It is renowned for its historical landmarks and cultural sites. The city holds great significance in Chinese history, with a rich heritage that dates back thousands of years. Luoyang is home to the Longmen Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its exquisite Buddhist sculptures. Another prominent attraction is the White Horse Temple, considered the birthplace of Buddhism in China.

Susa, Iran

City Country
Susa Iran

Dating back to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period, Susa in Iran is one of the oldest cities in the world. This ancient city holds great historical and archaeological significance. Situated in the modern-day Khuzestan province, Susa is known for its well-preserved archaeological remains. The city has witnessed the rise and fall of several civilizations throughout its long history. From Elamite and Persian rule to being captured by Alexander the Great, Susa has experienced diverse cultural influences over time. The rich heritage and traces of ancient civilization make Susa an important destination for history enthusiasts and archaeologists.

Gaziantep, Turkey

Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World

Gaziantep, located in Turkey, is a historical city with a rich past. It is known for its blend of both Turkish and Arab culture, making it a unique destination for travelers. The city has witnessed the rise and fall of various ancient civilizations throughout its long history, including the Hittites, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Ottomans. Gaziantep is home to numerous historical sites and attractions that enable visitors to explore its fascinating heritage.

Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World



The world is filled with ancient cities that hold rich histories and cultural significance. From Damascus, Syria, to Athens, Greece, and Sidon, Lebanon, these cities have stood the test of time. With their archaeological wonders and timeless charm, these oldest cities in the world continue to captivate travelers and historians alike.

Exploring these destinations allows us to step back in time and glimpse into the past civilizations that once thrived within their walls. Whether it’s the ancient ruins of Rayy, Iran, or the sacred sites of Jerusalem, Israel, these cities are a testament to humanity’s enduring presence on this planet.

So, embark on a journey and discover the allure of these oldest cities that have stood strong throughout centuries of change.

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