
Visa Free Country List For Bangladesh 2023

Bangladesh’s passport isn’t the most powerful in the Indian subcontinent, with a visa-free score of 37, compared to 63 for India and 38 for Sri Lanka. It is, however, more powerful than the Pakistani passport, which has a score of 27 for visa-free travel. Here in this article, you can find visa free country list for Bangladesh.

Although the number of countries is fewer than the others in the Indian subcontinent but it is still a good amount. And it will still enable you to see and visit a lot of countries. It goes to show that how much our country has grown in science independence.

Check also:  Visa Free Country List For Pakistan

List of the Free Visa Countries for Bangladesh

According to Henley Passport Index 2019, Bangladeshi travellers can travel to 40 countries with visa-free access. Travellers can have visa on arrival in 17 countries and get e-tourist visa for Sri Lanka. You can pick any of these countries and just go there.

Country Visa requirement Allowed stay
 Bahamas Visa not required 4 weeks
 Barbados Visa not required 6 months
 Bhutan Visa not required
 Dominica Visa not required 6 months
 Fiji Visa not required 4 months
 Gambia Visa not required 90 days
 Grenada Visa not required 3 months
 Haiti Visa not required 3 months
 Indonesia Visa not required 30 days
 Jamaica Visa not required
 Lesotho Visa not required 90 days
 Micronesia Visa not required 30 days
 Pakistan Visa Not required
 Saint Kitts and Nevis Visa not required
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Visa not required 1 month
 Trinidad and Tobago Visa not required
 Vanuatu Visa not required 30 days
 Cape Verde Visa on arrival
 Comoros Visa on arrival
 Madagascar eVisa / Visa on arrival 90 days
 Maldives Free visa on arrival 30 days
Nepal Visa on arrival[3] 30 days
 Rwanda eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days
 Samoa Free Entry Permit on arrival 60 days
 Senegal Visa on arrival
 Uganda eVisa / Visa on arrival
 Samoa Free Entry Permit on arrival 60 days
 Tuvalu Visa on arrival[3] 1 month

Read more: Free Visa Countries List 2023 in the World

How The Wealth of Your Country Determines Your Travel Freedom

Bangladesh, among the countries, with the least visa-free access while countries like Japan, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland are in the top list of this index.

However, Bangladesh is ahead of Afghanistan and Pakistan as the countries have 25 and 31 visa-free destinations respectively.

According to the analysis data, it is seen that countries who hold the highest visa-free access have higher Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. For instance, Japan has visa-free access to 190 countries with $39,287 GDP per capita while Afghanistan has $521 GDP per capita.

For all of your convenience, we have come up with a list of free visa countries. To visit these countries, you do not need to have any visa. The interesting this is that sometimes you do not need to have any passport to visit some countries on the list. If you want to know which countries offer free visa travel, you need to click on the link here. We have provided the name of the country one after another.


Ubali hussaini

I am the founder and editor of I love to share education news from various sources to keep readers informed.

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